632 Smalllest Range Covering Elements from K Lists

Problem Statement

You have k lists of sorted integers in non-decreasing order.


  • Find the smallest range that includes at least one number from each of the k lists.

  • We define the range [a, b] is smaller than range [c, d] if b - a < d - c or a < c if b - a == d - c.

For the whole problem statement, please refer here.


  • Find the smallest range that includes at least one number from each of the k lists of sorted integers.

  • This approach will allow us to efficiently manage the current minimum and maximum values from the lists.

  • Track the next element to be considered from each list.

  • Continue to expand our range until all lists are represented.

  • Update the smallest range whenever a new valid range is found.


import heapq
from typing import List

class Solution:
    def smallestRange(self, nums: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        # Initialize the min-heap
        min_heap = []
        current_max = float('-inf')  # It will track the maximum number in the current range
        # Populate the heap with the first element of each list
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (nums[i][0], i, 0))  # (value, list index, element index)
            current_max = max(current_max, nums[i][0])
        # Initialize the smallest range
        smallest_range = [float('-inf'), float('inf')]
        # While we can still form a valid range
        while min_heap:
            current_min, list_index, num_index = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
            # Update the smallest range if the current range is smaller
            if current_max - current_min < smallest_range[1] - smallest_range[0]:
                smallest_range = [current_min, current_max]
            # If there's a next element in the current list, push it to the heap
            if num_index + 1 < len(nums[list_index]):
                next_val = nums[list_index][num_index + 1]
                heapq.heappush(min_heap, (next_val, list_index, num_index + 1))
                current_max = max(current_max, next_val)
                # If we reach the end of any list, break out
        return smallest_range


  1. Initialize

    • We start by creating a min_heap which will store tuples of the form (value, list_index, element_index). The value is the integer from the list, the list_index helps identify which list it came from, and the element_index indicates the position in that list.

    • The variable current_max is used to keep track of the maximum number in the current range.

  2. Populate the Heap

    • Initially, we populate the heap with the first element of each list. We also update current_max as we insert elements.

  3. Finding the Smallest Range

    • Continously extract the minimum element from the healp. This gives us the smallest current element (current_min).

    • At each step, we check if the range defined by current_min and current_max is the smallest we have found so far.

    • If is is smallest, we update our smallest_range.

  4. Push Next Elements

    • After removing the smallest element, if there is a next element in the same list, we push that next element into the heap and update current_max if the new value is larger.

    • If we exhaust any list (no more elmements to pus), we stop the process as we can no longer form a valid range.

  5. Return the Result

    • The method finally returns the smallest range that covers at least one element from each of the input lists.

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